Week 4: Jane LaFazio

For week 4 we got to have some lessons with Jane LaFazio!  I have admired Jane's work for a while. I think I first discovered her in a Quilting Arts magazine or maybe Cloth Paper Scissors.  Anyway, I knew her as a textile artist first, then found out about her mixed media art and journaling.  Jane has such a lovely style!  Her klass videos are amazing and bring in her textile art which is really fascinating for me.  If you are curious, you'll find lots of great info and tutorials on Jane's blog.

I learned about how to pre-plan a page and make pages more finished.  I know that a lot of my older journal pages were mishmashes, or very bare so this was a good lesson.  I also like Jane's approach to color.  The more the better and if you are painting pink make it a little bit more than realistic.  Since I love color, that's perfect for me!

And here are two other pages from the week.