A Very Merry Christmas to You and Yours

Crazy Christmas Lights (1)

Crazy Christmas Lights (2)

Crazy Christmas Lights (11)

Crazy Christmas Lights (12)

Crazy Christmas Lights (14)

Christmas lights are way too much fun!  You really don't want to know how many of these photos I took last night.  However, if you want to give it a try yourself, here's the idea.  Using manual mode on your camera (this is for the ones with the darker background, which I think look the best), set the ISO high- over 1000, set the aperture to f-22, set the exposure time to 2-3 seconds.  That should be enough time to move your camera in the shape you want.  I discovered that to make any particular shape, I had to do it upside down to make it turn out right side up.  That script S up there was truly an achievement to create upside down!  Also, make your movements small to get the most discrete shapes.  But, as in all good things, experiment with lots of methods and see what you get.  Please comment with a link if you post any photos like this.  I'd love to see what you come up with.