Sock Summit 2009- Day 2


My morning started with a trip to the marketplace.  Gossamer is my LYS and so I thought you ought to see Elizabeth's beautiful booth.


The Skacel booth had lots of fun stuff to see including this video for Addi Turbo needles (it's on You Tube here).


This is a specially made 120" circular for knitting 6 pairs of socks at once.   The balls of yarn are contained in the shoe pockets- very clever!


Lunchtime found me and lots of other knitters at the Guinness World Record attempt.  This is only some of the many, many knitters who participated.  We knit for 15 minutes with two straight needles each (2 is 2, not 4!), but won't know for a couple of weeks if Guinness will accept it.


After lunch I got a bunch of books signed by some of the luminaries, including Cat Bordhi above and Barbara Walker below.



And Meg Swansen too!


The sock museum was pretty cool.  Luckily, this is also available online should you wish to see more!  Check it out here.  Above are socks made from the pattern that the Mamluke socks are based on.  The Mamluke socks were some of my first socks, in Nancy Bush's Folk Socks book.


The Booby Socks (below) were designed for Breast Cancer Awareness.


I've knit several of the designs in the sock museum already.  The next socks, Almost Saintly are a Lucy Neatby pattern that I just picked up.  They look pretty cool!


I made it to a demonstration about spinning from the fold with a long draw technique to make lofty sock yarns.  This young woman made it look so easy!  She's from A Verb for Keeping Warm.


After a veggie burger at Burgerville I headed out to the Portland Art Museum for the Sock Hop.  What fun!  Here's Stephanie Pearl-McPhee (second from right) and friends doing the Hand Jive.


I had to leave the dance a bit early.  I'm just pooped from a very long day.  Fellow Bendites are coming to see the marketplace tomorrow so I'm pretty excited.  It'll also be a a long day with the Ravelry gathering in the evening.  More to come!